So, my fellow earthlings. The time of Katsucon XX is upon us and I have but one question. Okay, actually two. Are you going? -and- Do you even know what Katsuon is? I've been bringing it up with my followers on Twitter as well as in the NG chat a few times and everyone's response usually is "What's a katsucon?"
Well, Katsucon is a gathering of the arts. An appreciattion for fantasy, animation, folklore, music, culture, art, acting and everyone who shares that interest with you. It's a place of harmony. It's where, for the most part, you're going to be smiling from ear to ear, unless you just blew all your money on some Zelda plushtoy and seven posters of Skyrim fanart. Or you didn't get in line in time to make it into a panel being hosted by one of your favorite voice actors.
Last year when I went, I met Rikki Simmons and Crispin Freeman. Got a signed poster of Gir from Rikki and a retweet and a thank you from Crispin. I witnesed a lot of amazing artists, creative costume players, exuberant fans and was even introduced to new venues I'd have never considered. I networked. I kanoodled. I had a blast.
Some people may suggest that conventions are too extravagant or that the attendees are simply losing their marbles and their money. But I suggest that conventions are a place of unity and expression. It is like opening up a door and meeting thousands of other people who share your passions, your interests. It's walking up to your favorite creators and shaking their hands. It's meeting some of the most welcoming and friendly people you may ever come across in your journeys. This, my friends, is why I'll be going.
If it sounds like something you'd enjoy, I urge you to check it out if you're in the area. Or find a convention near you and give it a go. I never thought I'd go to a convention, the thought of it overhwhelmed me, what could I possibly benefit from going? Then I found it out, and will always cherish those moments. Those moments when I don't feel so alone anymore.
I hope that someday, I can be one of those voice actors visiting these conventions. I guess we'll have to see.