I was credited as "November Ann". Funny, it was my first EVER animation and I wasn't credited with my name, some kind of mix up on the other end. I'm excited I was able to work with him, but I still feel like no one knows who the heck I am XD
My name is Piper. Piper Ann Petrie. You may have noticed that just recently I had my voice published in my first animation. It was created by the very talented Samuel T Nelson. My google plus name was "November Ann" [my tag plus my middle name]. So this is what he used for my credit. Unfortunately, this will not be the name I go by. So keep your eyes peeled for Piper. Piper Petrie. Piper Ann or Piper Ann Petrie.
Let me start off by saying I have been completely blown away by the amazingly creative and responsive community of Newgrounds. Growing up visiting this site I never took the proper steps to dive in and I have to say I have been pleasantly surprised. I see amazing and mind blowing talent around just about every corner and everyone is so passionate, it's absolutely heart warming and inspiring. Not to mention how flattering it has been to receive so many brilliant offers from so many talented people.
I've always been attracted to the arts but something that has always stuck with- was acting out with my voice. From reading my books into the tape recorder and reciting poetry as a child, to impersonating the weather woman and doing puppet shows for children as a teen. It hasn't been until recently that I had wanted to go public and try to lend my voice to the greater creative community as well as the tiny pockets of talent this world has.
I am 23, just turned it last month. I dwell in Washington, D.C. and hail from the Rogue River Valley of Oregon (beautiful place, plan to return as soon as life permits.) I spend my leisurely time reading books, realistic fiction, fantasy, Sci-fi and studying my numerous interests. I also knit crazy things with my magical needles. I play on my 360 or watch movies. Most gaming I do includes mmorpg's and strategy game and a lot of it I do on the PC. I used to be into FPS but then everything went online and it just ruins the whole "disconnecting from real life" thing I try to do. I may do a firefight or two with my friends, though most of my party playing happens on PC, like Guild Wars 2, WoW and what not.
I speak Japanese and American Sign Language and am an active part of the Japan-America Society of Washington, D.C. They actually have very similar sentence structure (ASL and Japanese). I am currently studying several other languages, examples would be Spanish and Mandarin. I believe all languages are beautiful. Including performing music, dancing, painting, sculpting, etc.
My role models are Tara Strong, Sean Berdy, Brad Pitt, Ellen Degeneres (Yep you read that right), Neil deGrasse Tyson, Sunita Williams, Bill Nye, (blerr blerr blerr)
But what mostly inspires me nowadays - ... is you, the people around me.
Anyway, I'd like to learn a BLEEPload about you. Please dish!
I have no other excuse except that I have been overwhelmed with the amazing responses I have been getting for voice work. At first there was only little activity. Now it seems every time I log in there are 10 more messages. Several more offers. So many talented and amazing people, I wish I could work with all of you and give everyone my undivided attention. But alas, I have a new job with funky hours, as well as some health business that has me going to a hospital 30 minutes away, once a week. Then there's my language studies. Then, of course, there's my regular daily life.
I'm honored to have all of you so interested, and letting me be a part of your talent. I apologize if I have in any way offended you, let you down, or have made you feel unimportant. Because it has nothing to do with that. I've bitten off more than I can chew at the moment.
I begin by thinking "oh I'll have time to get it done." and then I realize that I can't and then get so petrified by the fear of letting one of you down that I avoid saying things like "It may take me about a week." That's not fair to you, and I'm working right now at this very moment to correct that folly.
I had just wanted to take the time to let you all know that I am so very honored by many ... no.. ALL of your requests. It brings a smile to my face and inspiration into my life. Thank you again, and I hope that as I pick up better time management skills and ease into my new lifestyle I can build a better and creative relationship with you.
I feel like there's someone hanging out in the stratosphere just beaming ideas into my brain lately. Drinking tea and them "BAM!" I have a whole entire scene or idea hit me like a brick through a window. Yeah "crash! shatter! sparkle!" That's what it's more like. I get completely involved in these kinds of things. My whole mind is shattered and I need to drop everything and make sure I get it written down or something.
Anyway, just felt like sharing that. I'm also curious to know what any of you guys do when you get a good idea. Do you tell someone so you won't forget? Do you write down a few keywords? Perhaps you use your phone to record a voice clip of the idea? Do you honestly even give a frak?
Lemme know if you'd like because I'd love to read about it.
But only in this realm. I have a lot of experience under my belt. 4 years of theater and 7 years of public speaking. I'm at a point in my life where I want to take something and make it work for me, really turn it into my life.
...and this, this is it. This is what I want. I have always wanted it. - To make a News Post? NO! To be a voice actor!
Please feel free to subscribe to my feed, no need to be a fan, rate or comment. Just sit back and watch me either fail or succeed, but one thing I can promise; you will see honest hard work. I'll be giving this my all.