Oh by the way, thanks for completely making me shit myself and spill my scotch onto the cigarette I spat out lighting my mic on fire with that mention I got in the video. Total surprise. You may want to be careful how much you let your viewers think that you associate with me. Toxic reputation. There IS bad publicity in this world, and so I walk.
Good points in the video. I always tell folks that consonants are my personal key for monitoring crisp speaking and adequate vocal power. Not necessarily over-annunciating, but I know that when a consonant goes flaccid, especially at the end of a word, to toss the recording entirely unless it specifically pertains to that emotion/accent. Or not, if I'm drunk and don't notice it. Like I said, toxic reputation.
Keep up the good work Piper, you're an inspiration.
See, I thought it was going to be scary, and then you started talking about learning acting and I was like "Oh, it's not scary."
That's when it happened. You told me I had to read every day. READ.
The horror.
ech0tan (Updated )
Ha. You so funneh!
Oh hay! I forgot to add a link in the description. I wanna pimp you out!