I would totally do VA stuff but the only stuff I could have recorded with are a shitty mic on my webcam and an even shittier mic that came with my Rock Band game ._.
I'm also in less of a mood to do anything recording wise since I found out this\/
Well I tried to take part in the VA contest because I really wanna get better but...with job searching i had no time and sadly couldnt.
Its good to see you less stressed! Congrats!
ech0tan (Updated )
Job searching in itself is a full time job, I can imagine trying to add a time consuming project like this would just be added stress and would get in the way. You made a good move. And in risk of sounding like a motivational poster, "hang in there!" I hope that you find a job that you are good for and a job that is good to you. Also, thank you! Have a good night (or day, whenever you're reading this.)