I feel like there's someone hanging out in the stratosphere just beaming ideas into my brain lately. Drinking tea and them "BAM!" I have a whole entire scene or idea hit me like a brick through a window. Yeah "crash! shatter! sparkle!" That's what it's more like. I get completely involved in these kinds of things. My whole mind is shattered and I need to drop everything and make sure I get it written down or something.
Anyway, just felt like sharing that. I'm also curious to know what any of you guys do when you get a good idea. Do you tell someone so you won't forget? Do you write down a few keywords? Perhaps you use your phone to record a voice clip of the idea? Do you honestly even give a frak?
Lemme know if you'd like because I'd love to read about it.
I didn't think so at first, but it seems like a rather person question. I've written them down on paper, typed them out on paper and RAM, acted upon them, spoken ideas into microphones and shouted aloud. It's what happens next that matters I guess... 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.
Great answer. "1% inspiration and 99% perspiration." <- gonna keep that in mind! :)